Thursday, March 26, 2015

Kindness by Yusef Komunyakaa

The misfortune of not see a smile face everyday makes seeing one more everlasting.

In Yusef's poem "Kindness," highlights what kindness is and how is it signified. Though kindness can be expressed in various ways, however, we always know it is there when it appears.

Hate can sometime seem opaque, but love can never be hidden. It is the action that speaks louder than the words that we speak, and kindness has no voice.

Yusef's idea of Kindness is abstract and is unique like a blue moon, but it is powerful. When Kindness arises the theme is rewritten and the motion of life, though it may be short, become reflourished.

Yusef's describes Kindness as a smile, and this would make sense, but Kindness goes beyond facial muscle. Kindness is the nerves that make us feel, the teeth that make us eat, and heart that keeps us alive.

What is Kindness to you?   


  1. kindness is showing someone the same common courtesy that I know that I would like to experience from someone else. kindness is taking a minute to think about what I am doing and if I was in the other persons place, what would I want to experience from them.

  2. Kindess by Yusef Komunyakaa is a very interesting piece. Kindness brings happiness even the most simple acts. We are all capable of Kindness and we expresses it differently. From giving money to the needy to complimenting someone.
